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The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence is closed on Veterans’ Day

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

Please note that The Myers Residence will be closed on Monday,November 11 for Veterans' Day. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, November 12. Thank you for your understanding.    

The Underground Railroad Revisited – with Princetown Seniors

South Schenectady Fire Department 6 Old Mariaville Road, Schenectady, NY

The Underground Railroad, often remembered as being characterized by tunnels, dark of night escapes, coded language, and hidey-holes, was far more extensive and complex than these ideas have led us…

Executive Committee Meeting of the UREC Board

Virtual via Zoom

  The Executive Committee of the UREC Board will meet on November 12 to plan the November 19 Board Meeting agenda. The Executive Committee meeting will be held via zoom.…

The Myers Residence and Thanksgiving

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence will be closed from Wednesday, November 27 through Saturday, November 30 so that our hardworking staff can enjoy some family time. Hope your holidays…

December Dash is here, again! Won’t you join us as we then …

Underground Railroad Education Center 194 LIvingston Avenue, Albany, NY

December Dash is here, again! Won't you join us as we then Gather together, one and all, Responding to this annual call Through donations of time, talent, treasure, And with…

Known Regional Stories of the Underground Railroad

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

Troy Bennington, Robinson and Rokeby, Charles Marriott, Quaker Street, Shakers - join with Paul Stewart to learn more about about the Underground Railroad from the stories and experiences of those…

The Black Convention Movement and Its Relationship with UGRR History

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

Join with Paul Stewart to learn more about Underground Railroad history through the lense of the Black Convention Movement. Conventions, held in Albany, Troy, Schenectady, NYC, Philadelphia, Newark, Cleveland, and…

Myers Residence will be closed, but . . .

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

  The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence will be closed December 23, 2024 through January  5, 2025. However, if you would like to schedule a tour of The Myers Residence,…

The Myers Residence will Be Open for Business beginning on January 6, 2025

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence 194 Livingston Avenue, Albany, NY, United States

The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence returns to normal business hours on Monday, January 6. Interested in a tour? - Call 518-621-7793 to schedule. Interested in bringing a tour group…

Young Abolitionist Leadership Institute (YALI After School)

Albany High School 700 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York

Continuing UREC's tradition of programming that promotes collaboration, literary and research skills in our high school participants, teen participants, led by UREC facilitators, will learn local Underground Railroad history and…