Pictured is a Norton Pottery jug. Captain John Norton created Norton Pottery in 1785 in Bennington, VT. Common pieces include: pots, chamber pots, milk pans, jugs, pudding pots, and mugs.…
Bag 1008, Item 28 Wright nail. Iron alloy. Complete. Clenched. Late 18th-to early 19th century This iron alloy nail is made with very low carbon and is, therefore, easily welded. …
Fragments of flat unidentified hardware made of iron alloy.
Fragment of colorless glass bottle, lipping-tooled with prescription finish Lip, also known as an applied finish, refers to glass bottles whose finish was created or “applied” in a separate process.…
Fragment of the body of a underglaze pearlware/refined earthenware with hand painted with black petal design.
Fragment of a base of a underglaze white hollowware with refined transfer printed in black.
This is a fragment of the rim of a white overglaze earthenware.