We missed out on 2020 due to COVID, but we are back in virtual form for 2021 for the 19th annual public history conference! Underground Railroad Education Center, formerly known as Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, is conducting its 19th annual public history conference virtually this year! We invite you to join us in making our world a more equitable and just place by offering your support as a sponsor for this historic educational event. Nationally known activists, authors, and researchers will share from their knowledge and expertise in this monthly series of virtual presentations with moderated conversation which will focus on the nation’s unprecedented and long overdue examination of systemic racism in America.
We have an incredible lineup of presenters! A sampling of monthly presentations includes Jonathan Daniel Wells, PhD, author of The Kidnapping Club who will start things off on February 27; Mara Cherkasky presenting on Racially Restrictive Covenants; Debbie-Ann Paige addressing Staten Island’s Freedom Struggles; Rev. Phil Grigsby presenting on Hunger, Child Poverty, and Farming while Black; and Dr. Lori Quigley, PhD addressing Native American Lives Matter. More information is available here at: https://undergroundrailroadhistory.org/libertycon-2021/.
For your convenience, we’ve included an easy online form with our secure Stripe payment option to make your donations. If you prefer to make your payment by check, a Sponsor Response Form is also included here; Sponsor-Response-Form-LibertyCon2021
You may notice that we have also streamlined Sponsor levels and benefits this year to focus on digital content.
Thank you for joining with UREC as we work together today to build a more
equitable and just tomorrow.
Mary Liz and Paul Stewart
For the LibertyCon 2021 Conference Planning Team