General decryption of pearlware (objects include): Rim of blue decorated plateware; Pearlware fragments; Fragment of a pearlware-blue; Fragments of pearlware; Underglaze pearlware; Plate rim fragment- green:
Pearlware was produced in England from 1780 to the mid-1800s. Blue transfer print was a very common color used to decorate vessels. The blue painting was completed on the fired biscuit ware and then glazed. This process ensured that the various designs would stay intact and would also be protected from wear and tear. Pearlware was popular in the mid 19th Century in America and seen as fashionable because of its designs, which were based on English blue and white china and Chinese patterns. It remains popular today. As far as cost, pearlware was less expensive than English and Chinese porcelain because it required fewer firings and less time in the kiln.