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Harriet Tubman Corridor – Your Input is Requested
June 14, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
The Underground Railroad Consortium of New York State (URCNYS) invites the public to attend a public open house to receive information about the proposed Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad New York Corridor. URCNYS and its team of consultants are in the process of drafting a Corridor Management Plan for the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad New York Corridor, a 500-mile route that will traverse the state. The proposed route begins in New York City at the New Jersey Border. It travels north on NY Route 9 to Albany along the Hudson River, and then turns west on NY Route 5S, connecting through Central New York to Utica, Syracuse, and then Auburn in the Finger Lakes Region. The Corridor continues on NY-20 to Geneva, then north on NY-14 to NY 31 through Rochester, Brockport, and Lockport to Buffalo. A final section of the 500-mile corridor traverses NY-265, terminating in Niagara Falls. Interested members of the public are invited to attend and offer input before final sign-off and acknowledgment of the draft plan by NYDOT can occur.
The purpose of the public meeting is to learn about the proposed Corridor and its approval process while providing an opportunity for attendees to review and discuss the Corridor’s route and goals. This open meeting will ensure that adequate measures and input have been considered as the Corridor Management Plan evolves. Attendees will have an opportunity to review materials and provide comments to NYDOT and byway management representatives. This is an open house forum where attendees can also learn how to become involved in the process.
Interested persons are invited to express their views in writing, giving reasons for support of or in opposition to the proposed Corridor. All interested participants can find more information by searching the URCNYS website under urcnys.org/corridor . Comments or input will be received during the workshop or can be submitted via the Corridor portal at harriettubmancorridorny.com .